The Journal of Generalities

Welcome to The Journal of Generalities. At present we are in the construction and preparation stage. But rest assured, we are putting together a brilliant first issue for you.

About the Journal

The Journal of Generalities is the most regarded Journal in the pan-dimensional multi-verse.

By accepting the existence of the multi-verse, we accept that all things are possible, and thus all things are true (somewhere). As such, we publish on all topics, even if it would be considered by others to be "wrong" or "nonsense". We reject that such things exist.

If you would like to submit an article, or other piece, please do so. We welcome all submissions, on all topics.

Submission guidelines

We accept submissions on any topic. Articles and reviews should be at least 200 words.

By submitting, you acknowledge the following:

We accept submissions in all languages, including those that are extinct, not-currently existing, or that are imaginary.

If the author/submitter wishes for articles to be fact-checked (against more generally agreed upon "facts" in this current corner of the multi-verse) or spell-checked (against the generally agreed upon language English, most probably the British, or "Commonwealth" variant), the editors can and will either do it themselves, or pass it to a reviewer to do.

To submit, your best bet is to email submissions [at] generalities [.] info with your piece in a plain text form. If you submit using a word processor format, we might not be able to read it. If you post or fax your submission, it probably won't reach us. (And if it does, we'd be worried, and may seek a restraining order against you.) We also accept submissions by telepathy.


The license you are providing to the Journal is this:

The Editor

The editor is possibly best known for their contributions to the fields of astrophysics, medicine (e.g. concocting a vaccine for the "common cold", impressive partly because there are so many different viruses), and information science (you can now sort your information in six dimensions, who knew?). However, they don't let their brilliance go to their head. You can contact the editor via the email address above.